The ‘Steel Man’ debate method

Recently I cam across a debate method that I found really effective.

I was introduced to this method on the The Long Now Foundation. I cant recommend the content on this site enough for some some thorough presentations of important topics. They group focuses on taking the long view of addressing problems (think ‘slower/better’ instead of ‘faster/cheaper’) and the power of debate to change minds.

Three ways of working with Outcomes

About a year ago I read this quote from Julie Zhuo from Facebook. After reading this I had this nagging thought in my mind about outcomes for some time.  I think everyone can understand the idea of an outcome in conceptual terms but the reality of things tends to get a fluffy.It seemed like such a simple thing, but I often found myself getting lost in the details and focusing on this more often then not.

I decided to spend some time and try to really focus less on the details and more on the end product I wanted to achieve.  I applied this thinking to three major areas.